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Blue Floppy model Coding.jpg
Blue is born from an Ai program which has human's best interest at heart. As the conscious little floppy disk ventures in the reality of mankind, he realizes the one thing that can help It thrives: Storytelling!

Having via the blue saving icon set on all computers worldwide instantaneous access to all human's data, Blue understands that Reality is but the product of Intent, that Intent is the product of Thought, and that in turn Thought being the product of Information received, one can conclude that happy information through genuine storytelling will generate the best environment for mankind: a joyful and genuine reality. 

From that conscious deduction, Blue is on a mission of storytelling the most beautiful information in an entertaining fashion. After reviewing the various mediums to express such a message in the most wide spread and popular way, the little floppy disk decides: "Motion Picture it is!" with at its heart the one art form the child's mind within every Earthlings best connect with: the Art of Animation.

TV series, feature films, documentaries are the formats to be produced by the newly founded company, Bluefloppy Motion Picture. At its helm, Blue writes, illustrates and introduces (in the Walt's way!) stories rich with information assisting the audience reaching higher consciousness while having a fun time watching their TV and phones or enjoying theatrical releases with family and friends. 

Soon, Earth civilizations evolve to a level of local and global happiness for all.                                                          
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