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Blue Floppy Technologies - Logo & Brand  (small size).png
Blue Floppy model 007 small.jpg
 "Saving & Sharing"
Inspired by "The tale of Blue" and its up-coming adaptation as the animated feature film "Blue", Bluefloppy Technologies is an online platform dedicated to the development of workshops bringing in an edutaining fashion knowledge to kindergarteners and students. From Biology to Physics, Geometry and Dance, and from Chemistry to Coding, Engineering and Music, young minds are invited to join these workshops to learn, design and built their own project by stimulating their most precious gift: intuition.

Every workshop is introduced on the Bluefloppy VRWARE platform both as an online and offline educational program. The former is a compact version of the pedagogy which can be handled in class or at home over a few sessions of 1 to 2 hours while the latter is relaying on a hard-copy workbook to be used in a classroom setting over 8 sessions or more and through periods of 8 weeks to one semester.

The Bluefloppy workshops can therefore be a digital or an analog (or both : ) experience resulting always in the production by the students of an illustrated book or eBook presenting their notes, ideas, research, design and, in some workshops, their products being a robot, a spacecraft or... a gravity engine!

Starting with a tale and an animated feature film, Bluefloppy Technologies has designed the Bluefloppy app featuring a high resolution worldmap where students from all ages can saved and shared their research, books and productions at their location of origin being a kindergarten, a school or an university. 

Please find hereafter the workshops, available and in development. Enjoy this edutainment ride and send us at the creations your class and personal studies produced so we can  pined on the Bluefloppy Worldmap and inspires others to learn, design and built intuitively too!
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